
Tuesday 3 December 2019

SLJ,teaser week, day 2

  • The ant was as small as a drop of rain.

    • The bear is as big as the house.
    • The sky is as clear as glass.
    • My clothes are as colourful as a rainbow.
    Image result for houseImage result for bearImage result for antImage result for rainbow

    Friday 25 October 2019

    The Tsunami

    We were having a lovely family barbecue, when sirens started up. But they weren’t police, ambulance, or fire engine sirens. The sirens were tsunami sirens. Although in our family when we are having a good family time things don’t bring us down that easily. So we pulled the little old boat out of the shed, into the middle of the road. We took lots of tries to get the whole family in but we eventually got there. The Tsunami was taking ages to come in and sweep us away. So long that we thought it was just a practice evacuation that nobody got told about. Then suddenly “WHOOSH” a big wave came and lifted us off the ground. Dad started paddling and grandpa was taking photos of grandma which he could paint. Grandma loved getting pictures of herself and getting them painted, that’s why she married grandpa she says. My little sister started feeding her lollipop to a crocodile and I sat there watching her as she laughed and kept on pulling it away from it when it was about to snap it’s jaw down on it. My Mum was feeding my little baby brother. Then Dad shouted “pirate bottle” that gave grandma such a fright that she screamed and almost fell in. Dad swung his hand round and grabbed it. He gave it to me to keep a good hold on. I turned around and in the water I saw something lurking around. I thought it was a puffa fish, but then I realised that it would not of came in onto shore in a tsunami. To me it looked rather odd and I wondered to myself what could it be. It kept on bobbing up and down. The siren had turned off now. I whispered to Dad “ what do you think that could be”. He pretended to look back, then he kept on humming his tunes. I knew that he didn’t see it but I also knew that if I asked him again in a whisper he will just pretend again.

    Friday 27 September 2019

    Otaki Gorge

    On the 26th of september I went to the Otaki Gorge with half my class. It was really fun, we built shelters, made a fire to roast marshmallows on and made some rafts to race on. When we built the shelter we found two trees to tie a tarpolin on. on the other end we tied it to rocks. For the fire we found some dry sticks and put rubber in it and lit the rubber. It wasn't really working so after lots of trys we gave up and used a fire starter and a match. For the rafts Olivia and I paired up and made a raft which we called the sea monster. When we raced them we dropped them off a big swinging bridge and the race started. The boys that were at the finishing line at the end said Olivia and I won, which we were really happy about. At the end we played four rounds of capture the flag, it was year elevens and adults vs year 7/8's. We won three out of four and the year 11's and adults won one out of four.  It was an awesome day and I really enjoyed it!

    Friday 13 September 2019

    Adventures at El Rancho.

    On the tenth of September we went to El Rancho.  I had an amazing time there. The three activities I did was soft archery, go carting, and Rifles. They were all so much fun. For soft archery we had to where these masks on our face in case we got hit in the face. The aim of the game was to try and get the other team out. If you got out you could come back in by one of your team members catching an arrow mid air, or by hitting one of the metal plates on your opponents side. For go carts there was a track that you could go around made out of tires. You had to wear a hair net thing on your head so the helmets didn't need to get cleaned between each person. When we did rifles there was a metal tunnel that you had to shoot through and there were targets at the other end of the tunnel, which you could hit.What I found challenging was loading the rifle because I thought I was going to brake it if I pushed to hard, but when I did push it really hard I struggled to get it to open. Although I did open it so I could put the bullet in. Some of my highlights was when I shot the targets and it was really fun shooting the gun at the targets.

    Friday 6 September 2019

    Salva's cool character traits.

    This is my essay, we have been writing an essay about the novel a long walk to water. I wrote it about Salva, he was my favourite character in it and there was lots of information about him. I hope you like my essay and enjoy reading it.

    In the novel"A long walk to water" by Linda Sue park, the character I found interesting and courageous was a boy named Salva. He was eleven years old. Salva showed throughout the novel that he was brave, independent, and a bit shy.

    In the novel I found that Salva was an amazing leader. I thought he was a leader because when he was seventeen years old he led a group of young boys, the ages of the boys was from 4 to his age. He took the boys from Ethiopia all the way to Kenya, to safety. There were about 1500 boys at the start and by the time they got to Kenya there were only 1000 boys. On the way he got them to do jobs. They all had certain jobs asset for them. For example some had to collect sticks for fires, some had to find food and water, and some had to build shelter. I think Salva was a nice, hard-working boy. Especially for his age.

    Another thing about Salva was he was independent. He new how to care for himself while he was alone. He is independent because when his Uncle Jewiir died, who cared for him and always made sure he had food. He didn't have any food because the leaders of the tribe thought it would just be a waste of food feeding him, that is when he had to care for himself and always try to get there scraps. He is also independent because he got to move to America. But he moved there all by himself, and he had no warm clothes or anything, he had not even really heard that America was a country until he had a chance to go to America. When he got there he had to find his new family by himself. That is why I think Salva is an independent boy. Imagine you having to walk for ages while struggling to survive getting barely any water or food.

    Salva is also a bit apprehensive. He is apprehensive because he walked at the back of the group and didn't speak up much, unless he was asked or had to. He was also apprehensive because he was always a bit tense and afraid, or worried encase of a attack. He was probably like that because it has happened to him before and if it happens to him again he could die and everyone else around him also could die. He was also all by himself and nobody was on his side if he made a comment or if he made a mistake. Everyone would most likely be on the leaders side. When he gets to the first camp he gets put with a bunch of other boys that have not got there family with them. Although when he was a leader of a group he did speak up more.

    In summary Salva was a amazing leader, an independent young boy and a bit apprehensive. Through out the novel he really stood out to me and was one of my favourite charterers in it.

    Friday 30 August 2019


    I think netball is the best sport in the world. The reasons for this is it is great fitness, awesome ball skills and it is just an amazing game. It is great for your fitness because you have training's, and in my team on Tuesday for first hour we only do fitness which is good to keep us fit. It makes you have awesome ball skills because you have to catch the ball even  when it is really slippery. You will learn how to do lots of different types of passes like bounce pass, chest pass which is the main one, high pass elephant pass which some people call it, a side pass and many more.  To me the best part about netball is winning and meeting new people who also like netball.

    Another reason is that there is a wide range of positions you can play, so there would probably be one just right for you. In netball there are seven positions you can play. C, WD, WA, GD, GA, GK, GS. I play GA which means that you are allowed in two of the thirds and when the ball is by the hoop you have to shoot it so you can get a point. It is really fun.

    This is my story on why I think netball is the best sport.

    Thursday 22 August 2019

    A long walk to water- section 5

    1. Nya notice that the boss would joke around with them and then he would talk to them earnestly and if they still didn't listen he would talk to them angrily but he tried his best not to do that.
    2.He is similar to him by his rules, like he would joke around and be like them and then if they didn't do there job he would talk to them in a earnest voice or try and have a conversation to them to make them do it and if they still didn't do there job he would get fustrated and start to yell.

    A long walk to water- section 6

    1. I thin Nya's father is referring to the school when he says "Can't you guess?" and is seeing if Nya would know what they are building.
    2. To Salva Rochester would be a completely different place. One because there are no dirt roads, it would be way colder than his old home and in the story he said "I am seeing more white people in this minute, then I have seen in my whole life. So moving there would be a very big difference from his old home in South Sudan.
    3. I think Salva should have listened to his Dad because if he went he probably would have had to fight in the war. Although if he stayed hidden and came out at night he might of been able to go see his family. But it would definitely of been safer to stay home.
    4. I think water has the power to bring people together, although in some situations it could bring people apart. Like if water suddenly squirted out of the ground in a place where they don't have water it would probably bring them together, especially if it was clean healthy water. In some cases it could drive them apart if there was someone waiting that was rude and impatient and someone was taking awhile they could get angry and get in a argument which would make it take longer to get the water and drive them apart, but that wouldn't happen very often.

    Friday 16 August 2019

    Of course summer is the best season of the year like who wouldn’t agree with me. Here are some of the reasons why summer is the best season of the year. Firstly you can just jump in the pool without it being cold, and swim for the whole entire day. Without getting cold. Normally in summer rivers, beaches and pools are much more warm and you can go swimming in them as much as you want. There are also some really cool floaties that you can play with in it.

    Secondly Christmas is in summer, one of the biggest events of the year for me. Because you get given presents and on Christmas all my family comes round and we have an absolute blast. Then the next day is boxing day, on boxing day my family comes to my house and we swim all day and do obstacle courses around the pool. It is way better than staying inside on a cold and gloomy winter's day.  On new years eve on the dot of midnight we sometimes all jump in the pool.

    Thirdly you can stay outside until dark and not get cold. Just run around on the grass. Or go for an 8:30 swim and not get cold. You can have a BBQ every night and have your friends come over and play outside until dinner then go back outside after dinner. Or have dinner outside. I love the smell of sausages on the barbecue sizzling away. Those are all the reasons why summer is the best season of them all.

    Friday 9 August 2019

    super powers

    If I got to have a super power I would have invisibility. It would be awesome. One of the reasons why is you would be able to listen to peoples conversations without them knowing. Like if it is important stuff, or just being noisy and walking up to people and listen to what they talk about. I just think that would be really fun.

    Another reason is you could scare and prank people easily. Like walk up to someone and tap them on the back when know one is behind them. Or run up behind or in front of someone and tip water onto them. It would be fun to mess around with your siblings with it, and you could easily win hide and seek.

    It would also be great for tricking people like one second you be in one spot and the next you be in the next spot without them seeing you move. You could also watch people who you think are suspicious if you were a police and see if they are actually good or bad. So you could get the case in. It would also work as a spy or detective to clear up or finish the mission or case. Those are some of the reasons it would be awesome to be invisible.

    This week we have been practising paragraph writing so here is mine called super powers.

    Wednesday 7 August 2019

    A long walk to water section 4

    1. I think Salva would share the water because he wouldn't like people to leave him in that posotion so he wants to do what the people would do to him.
    2. I think uncle wants to leave and fight in the war because he wants to help the people but he doesn't want Salva to go with him incase Salva would get hurt.
    3. The groups attitude against Salva changed when the uncle got murdered and so he had know one to help him and protect him from the rest so the group took advantage of that and started bullying him. Salva could prove them wrong by finding his own food and water.
    4.  Salva thought he saw his Mum and yelled out to her but then he ha d a flash back to his uncles words and realised he was pretty much trying to say your family has died.

    Tuesday 6 August 2019

    7/8 MNL Music

    In music we have been practising a song called Smelly Cat so we can learn it. So far I have learnt how to do an A major,  E major and a D major. I have also learnt how to play a couple of notes on the keyboard. I am looking forward to being able to play Smelly cat on the guitar and maybe on the ukulele or keyboard. And listening to the class play it all in a group together.

    Wednesday 31 July 2019

    A long walk to water- section 3

    1. He was scared of lions so to over come Salvas fear Salvas uncle kept on reminding him that they will be ok and that he has a gun so if anything got close he said he would shoot them. I am scared of birds and I have sort of over comed it but I am a bit over it.
    2. I think at the very start when there was the shooting was the scariest bit because he couldn't go to his family and it was all happening at once and he couldn't do anything except to run. I think the dessert could be the worst because they have no water and Salva just started sobbing.
    3.The uncle helps Salva walk by saying walk to this rock and then walk to the next rock. And he says Salvas full name which also helps him to keep walking. If Salva didn't have his uncle he would probably be dead or left behind. If I struggle I could just think of the strategies Uncle was saying to help me.
    4. Not to take things for granted.

    Tuesday 30 July 2019

    A long walk to water- section 2

    1. They don't want him because he might slow them down and complain. And it means they all get less food because they have to feed him is well. I think that it is sort of mean even though it is meaning that they will get less food.
    2. Water dictates her life because if she doesn't get water her family will get dehydrated and they are all relying on her. And she can't get up and say I'm not going to do it today. She has to do it even if she is feeling unwell. I think education dictates my life because I learn stuff every single day.
    3. How they fight for food, having to walk for a whole day without food and not seeing your family for a month thinking they could be dead. I think Salva is doing a good job in those circumstances living because he is surviving and not complaining about starvation. Even though he is but he does know how to stay alive.
    4. I think Nya likes it because she doesn't have to do a humangous walk every morning and afternoon what takes up half the morning and afternoon. Although she has to dig in the mud for water it is better for her not having to do a big walk. But they have to drink water with mud which is bad. I also think that it is more unsafe there because that is where there is lots of fighting. Or more then there is at home and they can only bring a few things with them there.

    Friday 26 July 2019

    A long walk to water-section 1

    1. We learnt that Salva's life and culture from the first chapter was that he had three brothers 2 older ones called Arrik and Ring and the youngest one is called Kuol and he has 2 sisters called Akit and Agnath. Salva's tribe has a v shape on there heads. He is from the Dinka tribe but he had to learn Arabic. He got to go to school when he was 10. Salva's life is nothing really like mine.

    2.  Some questions that might occupy hi thoughts were where are we going? Where is my family? When will I see them again? If I was in Salva's circumstances I would be scared and worried about my family.

    3. Nya's journey is very hard it takes half the morning, she has no shoes and can't get educated because she is getting water. It is very hot and if she spilt some she would have to go back and get more water. She also has to carry it on her head with all the water which would make her head sore. She would be worried incase she dropped because her whole family is counting on her.

    4.  different tribes tell each other apart because of thier marks on them for different tribes. They also have there own launguages they speak.

    The power cut

    “POWER CUT” my Dad yelled out. It was only me and Dad home tonight because Mum and my sister Lily were out doing all these weird girl things for for her birthday. We hadn’t had a power cut for ages so it was quite exciting. I wished my sister and Mum were here to enjoy it with us. Although my sister would probably be screaming because she has only been in one once when she was 2 so she doesn’t remember it at all. That night the power came back on in one light but none of the others so Dad said he would go and buy a couple new light bulbs tomorrow to replace them. When I was lying in bed I heard the door open and Mum and my sister came rushing through with lots of bags chatting away. I then ran to the door to say hello and ask them how it was pretending I was interested in it. When I was running down the hallway there was a big thud that followed with a bang. My sister screamed and Mum called for me to come to her. She said we had to go because our batch is to old and will collapse on us. Dad said it will be fine there was just a bit of thunder and lightning then it will all be over. I believed him and said come on Mum take a chill pill, not like we are going to die. She said your right and sat on the couch with a big sigh. Out in the back there was lots of creaking. Then the TV turned off and a wood plank fell from the roof. My sister was a sleep on Mums lap so Mum picked her up and tried her best to remain quiet while telling us we have to move outside fast and quickly. Because if she woke up she would go crazy screaming and that would not help us get out of the batch any faster, it would probably slow us down. When we were outside safe and sound we saw a boat in the cold  water with the gloomy sky above it. We waved him over and he came to us with no problem. Mum thought it was a rather strange time to be fishing and she didn’t really trust this guy, but it was our only way out of here before we got crushed under everything. Because our boat had been lost under all the planks from the roof. He came over and we jumped on. He was very chatty for a man his age.  He asked us our address so he could drop us home. When we got to the other side of the river he said would you like me to drop you home and Mum said no thanks we have our own car. While we were walking over to our car he stayed standing there for some reason . Then Dad yelled out BLAST our car has got 4 punctured tires. Some kids must of came and popped them like a balloon. Little did we know that this was all part of a plan. Of this weird random person. Then Dad said could you please drop us home and in the morning we will come back and fix it because no one wants to be called out this late to fix up some tires and that is including us. We hopped in the car and he locked all the doors. We were telling him what way to go and we told him to drop us off at the end of our road. But he kept on driving, right past our road. Dad said stop right now in a grumpy shouty voice, it was the kind of voice that if he didn’t stop Dad was ready to start chasing him down. Then he pulled up to this house with no one around it. It was like a rusty spooky creppy abonded house. Then he put these handcuff things on our hands and brung us inside so we couldn’t escape. Inside it was dark cold and lonely. Although there was this weird smell of sausages, lollies, and chips. Then suddenly all the lights turned on and people all came out of there hiding spots and yelled “suprise” then ‘happy birthday lily”. Standing in front of us was all our family and friends singing happy birthdat Lily. Now everything made sense, it was all for Lilys birthday. And Mum and Dad must of gone with that man because they secretly knew it was uncle Jhonny and were in on the plan the whole entire time. And that is why they didn’t seem so worried about it and went with him easily. I don’t know why I didn’t catch up on this.

    Friday 5 July 2019

    Narrative Animation

    With this animation we learnt how to make an animation. It was really fun but also challenging. I didn't have quite enough time to finish it but I hope you enjoy what I have made. Next term I will do the voice over and finish it. The animation is based on a narrative I wrote.

    Friday 14 June 2019

    Homeroom Profile 2019

    Hi my name is Harriet, I am 11 years old. I am from Otaki College. My birthday is on July the 3rd. I have 2 pet bunnies, 1 pet dog, 2 cats and 1 fish. I have a sister called Emily and a brother Called Sam. My Mum is called Kate and my Dad is called Chris. My favourite foods are sushi and chocolate. My favourite drinks are L&P, apple juice and lemonade (sprite).

    Wednesday 12 June 2019

    Animation practice.

    This is my practice animation, it has 14 slides. I have learnt that when you make a slide like this it takes lots of time and effort and it is really hard to get all the right angles and positions. I now know for the animation assessment that there are lots of things you have to remember, and if you want to get really good at it, it would take lots of practise.

    Friday 7 June 2019

    What's That?

    La la la la la, what a beautiful day! The sun is out, the birds are chirping.
    It is a perfect day to collect some blueberries and walnuts off the ground for hibernation.
    Wait! what’s that noise? It’s coming from a tree ten down from mine in the forest.
    I sneak back as quiet as I can. I drop off the walnuts and blueberries back to my house
    and then go to investigate.
    There are these humongous yellow loud things that are making me deaf.
    Hayley, my sister comes with me to investigate but she leaves soon after we get there to go
    get more hibernation things.
    She nags me to go with her because she said she can never find
    anything so she needs my help. I don’t believe that she needs help.
    I think that she just thinks that it is unsafe so she wants me to go with her.
    Even though she always goes by herself and comes back with heaps.
    Although I went with her anyway because she wasn’t going to leave without me.
    We were gone for quite a while and when we got back the big yellow thing was only
    four trees away from ours.

    Then we both went back inside. When we got inside we counted up all the walnuts and
    blueberries. Altogether there were two hundred and seventeen blueberries and one
    hundred and eighty two walnuts. That would last us for ages.
    The loud yellow thing was getting really close so I went outside and hid in a bush watching
    them.  Then it started to get closer it was now cutting down a tree two away from ours.
    I got my family out. Except my Mum, she refused to go outside because she really wanted
    to finish the washing. It was almost at our house. Just one away now.
    Soon it was at our tree. It started to tip. Urgently, I tried to get my Mum out.
    I started calling for her except she couldn’t hear me.
    So I ran inside and got her. The tree was moving really fast now.
    I could see it from inside tipping. It was slowly falling to the ground.
    “ BANG”. The tree fell to the ground and me and my Mum made it out with a flinch of time left.

    We now live in a new house. Our new home was amazing, we had to get more
    food for hibernation, although that was ok. Because it was worth the new move.
    Since then the only yellow thing I ever see is buttercups.

    Friday 24 May 2019

    How we found each other

    I was going for a walk along the waterfront. When I saw a man biking. He was to busy looking out at the waterfront to notice me. “CRASH, BANG.” “OW”. He just crashed into me on his bike. He picked himself up from the ground then gave me a hand up. What should I say what should I do. I was saying to myself silently. He was the cutest boy I had ever met.  Then he said to me “ sorry I didn’t see you there. Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes iv'e ever seen". That made me feel sick. I didn’t know if it was a good or bad sick but I sure know it made me feel sick. I had know idea what to say, so I just ran away. When I was running away a piece of paper fell out of my pocket. On it was my address and phone number. He must have picked it up because that night I heard some guitar playing outside. So I opened up my window and there he was with his guitar asking me out on a date for dinner. Of course I said yes, so off we went. He took me to an amazing restaurant, I had never been to in my life.
    Seven years later we are still together saying our wedding vowels.

    Wednesday 22 May 2019

    How they found each other.

    "OW." She picked herself up from the wobbly ground and gazed into his sparkling eyes. How could of this have happened? She finally met what she thought to be the perfect boy. "Sorry I didn't see you there" he said. " Do you need help with all that" " Yes please".  She didn't really need any help but she wanted him to stay with her so she could ask him if he wanted to go snorkling with her at the destination. So she popped out the question and said " would you like to go snorkling with me when we get there" He said " of course". That night they saw the awesome island sparkling in the dark. 

    They laid on the floor of the boat and looked at the shimmering stars. Wondering what the future would be like for them. The next day they arrived at the Island, and got so excited to finally be there. Especially since they were there together. 

    When they went snorkling they saw some amazing coral reefs, but made sure not to get too close to them because they didn't want to get spiked by one. It was a stunning holiday. In the years to follow they went on some unbelievable adventures together.

    Friday 17 May 2019

    Being an active learner.

    The adventure of a life time

    One day we were going on a picnic. It was a beautiful day. There was not a single cloud. So far our Saturday was going wonderfully well. Then we heard some thumping. It was like an army stomping towards us. Luckily we had almost finished our picnic. So we hopped up to leave just in case it was something bad and started to walk to the car. Except before we could make it to the car Tim yells out pirates. Then we all started running and Charlie said he remembers seeing a little boat on the shore of the pond. It was a pretty big pond so our plan was to go across which was going to be pretty hard. When we were in the middle of the pond, Sandra yelled out crocodile. It was lurking around waiting for some humans to feed on. So now we had the pirates and the crocodile onto us. Before we could get to the middle of the pond the pirates got another boat and started to chase us. There boat was much bigger than ours so the crocodile didn’t even try to go for them.

     They had now cornered us so our only option was to fight back. We hid Sandra with the baby Lucy and Charlie and Tim did all the fighting. Charlie was fighting the crocodile and got pulled into the water by it. Tim didn’t even notice that Charlie wasn’t in the boat but he did see that the crocodile was gone so he quickly took the track that the crocodile was blocking.  They went as fast as they could without looking back. Sandra and Lucy were still hiding and had no idea what was going on. When they all hopped out of the little boat Tim said “where is charlie” nobody knew where he was. Then they saw a bunch of blood in the water. Tim started to get a sick feeling that he might be gone forever. He collapsed to the floor and started sobbing. Then Sandra poked her head out and said is everything alright. Tim was to busy thinking about charlie that he didn’t even hear her speak. She had soon realised what had happened and started sobbing to. Lucy was still in the boat and had no idea what had happened. They eventually got themselves together and went home. 3 Days later it was time for the funeral. Tim thought it was all his fault and never forgiven himself. You might never see it but on the inside Tim has always felt like this and never won’t feel like this. But that is now the way of life for him and will never forget that day.

    Friday 10 May 2019

    The escape

    How did I end up here. Did I just magically appear out of mid-air. And why is there sink already fulled up with water. I must have done lots of sleep swimming and walking. Then I remembered that I caught by a fishing net. 

    Carefully, I sneaked out of the sink and raced across the floor, which was now slippery. Then I heard stomping from above my head. That was when I saw 2 kids coming running down the stairs making loud noises. Quietly, I tried to retrieve back to the sink. But before I could get there I heard to loud gasps. Then 4 big eyes staring at me. Urgently, I had to think of something so I played dead. Then I heard the 2 kids yell out “Mum, Dad come look at this”. I scrambled to the sink when they looked away. When, they looked back I wasn’t there I was in the sink. So they both thought they were seeing things and had no evidence of the slippery floor because it had almost dried out by then. So they had nothing to say to there parents.

    Wednesday 27 March 2019

    Science Roadshow

    On Tuesday we went to the Science Roadshow. We learnt about space. They set off some explosions. We learnt about chemistry. We also got to walk around the room and look at all the exhibitions. We Learnt that we are all made out of star dust. They made this pink and blue foamy stuff that went everywhere. A man got some water and spun it round except it didn't fall out because of gravity. We got to lie on a bed of nails and it didn't hurt. I think it didn't hurt because all the nails are close together so it doesn't hurt.

    Get NZ writing. - Write your own story.

    We are doing these poems and we are sending them to an Auckland school.
    We did a class poem and single people ones as well.
    We got to colour in some on the backs of the poems.
    We had to use descriptive words to explain an object that we got.
    We learnt about anagrams and other things it was really fun.
    We are going to get another poem from another Auckland school from the kids there.

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    This is the poem I wrote
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    This is our class poem
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    This is the back of all our poems that we coloured in

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    This was my object - a miniature person

    Friday 15 March 2019

    The capital E Festival of the Arts

    On the 14th of March capital E put on an amazing experience for us. We got to go to 3 different shows, the 2nd one was my favourite so I will be talking about it first. It was called Wolfgang's Musical Circus.

    These are my thoughts about it. The only negatives were that if you were on a side you couldn't see the door on your side. When they ran off the stage to do something on the floor everyone had to stand up so they could see them. And they only picked people on the bottom floor to interact with. Other than that the show was amazing. The seats were comfy, there was a bar, there are 3 platforms they were these amazing gymnasts and I couldn't take my eyes off them.

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    The next one was called Gabez. The negatives were that it was in a small stuffy room and we had to sit on the floor. For me it got a bit boring because all they did was mime for about half an hour. You were squished up against people and couldn't move around without hitting people by accident. Other than that it was great.

    Monday 4 March 2019

    Makey Makey workshop.

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    On the 28th of February we went to Maoriland and we did the makey makey workshop. In the makey makey workshop you make instruments out of fruit or veges. This year we made a piano out of carrots. You need to have an earth which was me, so when I touched the carrots or whatever you made it out of it would be a piano.
    We also made a present and recorded our voices so when the earth is attached to you it would tell you about whatever you made. This year we made it out of paperclips, tinfoil, cardboard and wires. It was really fun. Our creation kind of failed but it was still fun. I learnt that you can pretty much make anything if you have the right equipment and to never give up because you will eventually get there if you have enough time. I am still proud though because we still gave it a try and achieved our goal by going up there and explaining our creation.

    My senses

    The delicious kitchen.

    • I love to eat in the kitchen
    • I love the smell of freshly baked pancakes and lemon
    • I love the taste of sensational lemon cake
    • I love the sound of sizzling spaghetti bolognese while there is chopping in the back round
    • I love to see juicy oranges on the bench, it makes my mouth water

    The beach.

    • I love the feel of when your feet slowly sink into the hot sand dunes and it squishies between my toes.
    • I get bitten by a crab with a mouthful of yuck salty sea water.
    • I smell the soggy fish'n'chips as I feed some to the squawking seagulls.
    • I slide down a sand dune while getting covered in sand.
    • I chase a seagull while getting covered in sand.

    My messy bedroom.

    • I step on the wet floor from my wet togs and towel.
    • I hear the birds chirping in the morning when the sun comes flying at me.
    • I see myself dancing in the mirror dying of bordom.
    • I lie on my bed on my phone all afternoon.
    • I see all my dirty clothes on the floor.

    The amazing Omaha.

    • I see a gigantic wave coming at me in Omaha.
    • I taste the sand in my mouth.
    • I play with my cousins all day long.
    • I see some giant crabs in the rockpools.
    • I climb the pohutukawa Tree and get stuck.