
Friday 26 July 2019

The power cut

“POWER CUT” my Dad yelled out. It was only me and Dad home tonight because Mum and my sister Lily were out doing all these weird girl things for for her birthday. We hadn’t had a power cut for ages so it was quite exciting. I wished my sister and Mum were here to enjoy it with us. Although my sister would probably be screaming because she has only been in one once when she was 2 so she doesn’t remember it at all. That night the power came back on in one light but none of the others so Dad said he would go and buy a couple new light bulbs tomorrow to replace them. When I was lying in bed I heard the door open and Mum and my sister came rushing through with lots of bags chatting away. I then ran to the door to say hello and ask them how it was pretending I was interested in it. When I was running down the hallway there was a big thud that followed with a bang. My sister screamed and Mum called for me to come to her. She said we had to go because our batch is to old and will collapse on us. Dad said it will be fine there was just a bit of thunder and lightning then it will all be over. I believed him and said come on Mum take a chill pill, not like we are going to die. She said your right and sat on the couch with a big sigh. Out in the back there was lots of creaking. Then the TV turned off and a wood plank fell from the roof. My sister was a sleep on Mums lap so Mum picked her up and tried her best to remain quiet while telling us we have to move outside fast and quickly. Because if she woke up she would go crazy screaming and that would not help us get out of the batch any faster, it would probably slow us down. When we were outside safe and sound we saw a boat in the cold  water with the gloomy sky above it. We waved him over and he came to us with no problem. Mum thought it was a rather strange time to be fishing and she didn’t really trust this guy, but it was our only way out of here before we got crushed under everything. Because our boat had been lost under all the planks from the roof. He came over and we jumped on. He was very chatty for a man his age.  He asked us our address so he could drop us home. When we got to the other side of the river he said would you like me to drop you home and Mum said no thanks we have our own car. While we were walking over to our car he stayed standing there for some reason . Then Dad yelled out BLAST our car has got 4 punctured tires. Some kids must of came and popped them like a balloon. Little did we know that this was all part of a plan. Of this weird random person. Then Dad said could you please drop us home and in the morning we will come back and fix it because no one wants to be called out this late to fix up some tires and that is including us. We hopped in the car and he locked all the doors. We were telling him what way to go and we told him to drop us off at the end of our road. But he kept on driving, right past our road. Dad said stop right now in a grumpy shouty voice, it was the kind of voice that if he didn’t stop Dad was ready to start chasing him down. Then he pulled up to this house with no one around it. It was like a rusty spooky creppy abonded house. Then he put these handcuff things on our hands and brung us inside so we couldn’t escape. Inside it was dark cold and lonely. Although there was this weird smell of sausages, lollies, and chips. Then suddenly all the lights turned on and people all came out of there hiding spots and yelled “suprise” then ‘happy birthday lily”. Standing in front of us was all our family and friends singing happy birthdat Lily. Now everything made sense, it was all for Lilys birthday. And Mum and Dad must of gone with that man because they secretly knew it was uncle Jhonny and were in on the plan the whole entire time. And that is why they didn’t seem so worried about it and went with him easily. I don’t know why I didn’t catch up on this.

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