
Friday 24 May 2019

How we found each other

I was going for a walk along the waterfront. When I saw a man biking. He was to busy looking out at the waterfront to notice me. “CRASH, BANG.” “OW”. He just crashed into me on his bike. He picked himself up from the ground then gave me a hand up. What should I say what should I do. I was saying to myself silently. He was the cutest boy I had ever met.  Then he said to me “ sorry I didn’t see you there. Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes iv'e ever seen". That made me feel sick. I didn’t know if it was a good or bad sick but I sure know it made me feel sick. I had know idea what to say, so I just ran away. When I was running away a piece of paper fell out of my pocket. On it was my address and phone number. He must have picked it up because that night I heard some guitar playing outside. So I opened up my window and there he was with his guitar asking me out on a date for dinner. Of course I said yes, so off we went. He took me to an amazing restaurant, I had never been to in my life.
Seven years later we are still together saying our wedding vowels.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

How they found each other.

"OW." She picked herself up from the wobbly ground and gazed into his sparkling eyes. How could of this have happened? She finally met what she thought to be the perfect boy. "Sorry I didn't see you there" he said. " Do you need help with all that" " Yes please".  She didn't really need any help but she wanted him to stay with her so she could ask him if he wanted to go snorkling with her at the destination. So she popped out the question and said " would you like to go snorkling with me when we get there" He said " of course". That night they saw the awesome island sparkling in the dark. 

They laid on the floor of the boat and looked at the shimmering stars. Wondering what the future would be like for them. The next day they arrived at the Island, and got so excited to finally be there. Especially since they were there together. 

When they went snorkling they saw some amazing coral reefs, but made sure not to get too close to them because they didn't want to get spiked by one. It was a stunning holiday. In the years to follow they went on some unbelievable adventures together.

Friday 17 May 2019

Being an active learner.

The adventure of a life time

One day we were going on a picnic. It was a beautiful day. There was not a single cloud. So far our Saturday was going wonderfully well. Then we heard some thumping. It was like an army stomping towards us. Luckily we had almost finished our picnic. So we hopped up to leave just in case it was something bad and started to walk to the car. Except before we could make it to the car Tim yells out pirates. Then we all started running and Charlie said he remembers seeing a little boat on the shore of the pond. It was a pretty big pond so our plan was to go across which was going to be pretty hard. When we were in the middle of the pond, Sandra yelled out crocodile. It was lurking around waiting for some humans to feed on. So now we had the pirates and the crocodile onto us. Before we could get to the middle of the pond the pirates got another boat and started to chase us. There boat was much bigger than ours so the crocodile didn’t even try to go for them.

 They had now cornered us so our only option was to fight back. We hid Sandra with the baby Lucy and Charlie and Tim did all the fighting. Charlie was fighting the crocodile and got pulled into the water by it. Tim didn’t even notice that Charlie wasn’t in the boat but he did see that the crocodile was gone so he quickly took the track that the crocodile was blocking.  They went as fast as they could without looking back. Sandra and Lucy were still hiding and had no idea what was going on. When they all hopped out of the little boat Tim said “where is charlie” nobody knew where he was. Then they saw a bunch of blood in the water. Tim started to get a sick feeling that he might be gone forever. He collapsed to the floor and started sobbing. Then Sandra poked her head out and said is everything alright. Tim was to busy thinking about charlie that he didn’t even hear her speak. She had soon realised what had happened and started sobbing to. Lucy was still in the boat and had no idea what had happened. They eventually got themselves together and went home. 3 Days later it was time for the funeral. Tim thought it was all his fault and never forgiven himself. You might never see it but on the inside Tim has always felt like this and never won’t feel like this. But that is now the way of life for him and will never forget that day.

Friday 10 May 2019

The escape

How did I end up here. Did I just magically appear out of mid-air. And why is there sink already fulled up with water. I must have done lots of sleep swimming and walking. Then I remembered that I caught by a fishing net. 

Carefully, I sneaked out of the sink and raced across the floor, which was now slippery. Then I heard stomping from above my head. That was when I saw 2 kids coming running down the stairs making loud noises. Quietly, I tried to retrieve back to the sink. But before I could get there I heard to loud gasps. Then 4 big eyes staring at me. Urgently, I had to think of something so I played dead. Then I heard the 2 kids yell out “Mum, Dad come look at this”. I scrambled to the sink when they looked away. When, they looked back I wasn’t there I was in the sink. So they both thought they were seeing things and had no evidence of the slippery floor because it had almost dried out by then. So they had nothing to say to there parents.