
Friday 28 August 2020

My pepeha

Today in class we made our pepeha. This is mine. You should try it out as it helps you learn your pepeha.

My Worm Farm!

This week in homeroom we read a story about worm farms. It was a awesome story and it taught me a bit about worm farms. Worm farms are a really good thing to have. It means your scrap waste doesn't go to a landfill and let methane gas into the air. Landfills also get really stinky. Worm farms are a really efficient thing to have and give great fertiliser. They are also really easy to contain and don't take much energy to make.

 This is an efficient worm farm I made.

 This is how to make a worm farm.

Thursday 27 August 2020

The Toucan

Today in class I researched a bit about the toucan and today I will be sharing it with you. I hope you like it and learn a bit about the toucan.

Friday 21 August 2020

Global Warming!!!

 This week we read a article about Global Warming. It taught us what global warming is and what is happening to the planet from it. I think that we need to try our best to save the world because it sounds very bad and if we don't act soon, the world will have some massive issues. Do you think global warming is a bad thing? You can tell me your opinion in the comments. The heat is getting trapped by the carbon dioxide, not letting it travel into space and  disappear. This is good for letting plants and animals flourish at the right temperature. Although, as we burn more fossil fuels, more carbon dioxide goes into the air, trapping more heat. That means the land and sea heats up. Messing up the balance of nature and changing the world’s climate.

Friday 14 August 2020

Insects-future food

This week in class we read a story for reading about bugs and how they are nutritious and it might be a future food. It turns out if you got one kilo of bugs and one kilo of cow or sheep or another meat you eat quite often, there will be more meat in the bug bucket than the other meat bucket. They also take up much less room then stock animals so it will also be better for the enviroment because it will be a reason they have to stop cutting down trees and save the wildlife animals and nature. I hope you like this blog post and you can give me your opinion if you would eat bugs.

Monday 10 August 2020

How eyes work!

 Today I will be explaining how your eye works. Light rays enter the eye through the cornea, the clear front "window" of the eye. The cornea's refractive power bends the light rays in such a way that they pass freely through the pupil the opening in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye. 

The iris works like a shutter in a camera. It has the ability to enlarge and shrink, depending on how much light is entering the eye. After passing through the iris, the light rays pass through the eye’s natural crystalline lens. This clear, flexible structure works like the lens in a camera, shortening and lengthening its width in order to focus light rays properly.